Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 3: August 27 "The Scientific Method!" (ta, da, da, dum!!!)

Lesson on the scientific method. Please grab some notes from a friend, and you have to do the "M & M" lab (with the added bonus of getting to eat M & M's in the end). This handout is in file #4. Get it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 2: August 26th

We started reading the essay "Scientific Thinking" which deals with studying empirical evidence in science. This essay is in file #3 in the physics crate. All questions need to be answered on it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Class! Sweet!

Today we went over the syllabus. Syllabus is in physics crate file #1. Must have it signed by parents and you. It's worth points!
Students also had to fill out a "student survey". This tells me a lot about you so make sure you fill it out.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

OMG! I'm so excited school has started! I love Algebra and Physics soooooo much!!!

Ok, now down to business.

On this blog you will find the following information:

  • All classwork and homework assignments that have happened that day in physics or Algebra 2.
  • The file folder number that contains the handout for a specific day's assignment (students you know where the file crates are that store all handouts in this class).
  • Relevant information regarding an assignment (e.g. "today I want you to look at to see how they did problem number 5", etc).
  • Helpful hints on how to do assignments.
  • Extra credit problems.
Attached to this post you will find my physics syllabus, which includes a host of super informative information (was that redundant?) such as: what to do when your absent, how I grade, tardy policy, norms and rules, class objectives. Peruse at your leisure, but make sure you know it!

I hope this blog helps! Feel free to contact me with any helpful ideas on how I can make this blog better and more informative.
