Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monday 10/26

Today we were introduced to the spaceframe vehicle project (green handout with table of contents). Then we started working on questions in the "Investigation Phase" 3 page handout. Problems 1 - 11 are due for homework.

Resume Link for Ac Sem

Check it!

And here's Rodrigo's awesome resume for your perusal. You can make yours fancy too!
This can help you look at the structure of it, and how you can make your document more aesthetically pleasing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday 10/22

Today we took a test in physics.
Then we cleaned out our binders and put all 1st quarter stuff in a file, and we are starting anew with Q2 work and handouts.
Parents: feel free to ask your student to see their math or physics binder and search their table of contents to see if they have finished all their work.

Wednesday 10/21

Today we worked on the practice test all day in class.

Monday 10/19

Today we received a practice test for a test on Thursday! It's a green handout.
We finished Newton's 2nd law handout (pink).
And we got a problem set on Average Speed (pink handout as well)
I will be grading binders (all assignments above) on October 29th.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday 10/15

Today we started the Newton's 2nd Law Pink handout. We did the skateboard experiment and found how mass relates to force and acceleration.
We will finish this handout next Monday.

10/12 Tuesday

Short period today. We finished the green Pirate Vector Hunt. Arrghh matie!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

10/7 Thursday

Finished the purple handout and prelude is in file #23. Started to work on green handout "Pirate vector treasure hunt"! yay!

10/4 Monday

Prelude in file number 20.
Today we worked on a purple handout adding vectors: File number 21.
Homework is to finish vector handout!